Create an OData service with Node.js, SQLite, Thunder Client by using CAP with VS Code

In this exercise I am following the tutorial from Following this SAP developer tutorial, you will learn more useful things in this blog about the app development with SQLite and Thunder Client (like Postman). I recommend using this .devcontainer and you won't have to install any additional programs. If you have questions for setting up a DevContainer, you can follow all the steps already explained in this documentation VS Code Dev Container for SAP HANA App development.


  • Use this .devcontainer and no additional installations are necessary for this exercise!

Kick off development

Follow the instruction from the referenced tutorial.

Step 1: Set up local development environment

Step 2: Install Visual Studio Code Dev Container

Use the VS Code Dev Container as mentioned above.

Step 3: Start project

node ➜ /workspaces/my-bookshop (master ✗)
$ npm i

If you like, check for updates and update the package.json.

node ➜ /workspaces/my-bookshop (master ✗)
$ npm install -g npm-check-updates 
$ ncu -u
output looks like: @sap/cds  ^5.5.4  →  ^5.5.5

Install your npms again, if necessary.

node ➜ /workspaces/my-bookshop (master ✗)
$ npm i
$ npm audit fix

Start watching you changes.

node ➜ /workspaces/my-bookshop (master ✗)
$ cds watch

Step 4: Define your first service --> Step 8: Add persistent database

Follow alle the steps from 4 to 8 of the tutorial.

After you have finished all the steps from the tutorial, comes the nice interesting part about SQLite. To make the work and steps with SQLite more easy I took some pictures.

Click "F1" and search for "SQLite: Open Database" and look for your bookshop.db.

Simple UI

Then open the "SQLITE EXPLORER" on the side bar.

Simple UI

Select the tables.

Simple UI

Execute the Select statement by marking the sql statement and clicking "Run Query"

Simple UI

Insert records in the tables.

Simple UI

Step 9: Test generic handlers with Thunder Client and not Postman

Now comes the next useful part. We don't have to leave VS Code. Instead of Postman we'll use the already installed Thunder Client extension. (if you use the recommended .devcontainer)

Open Thunder Client by clicking the "F1" button and search for "View: Show Thunder Client" or use the lightning icon on the side (Activity Bar).

Simple UI

Import your postman.json file here:

Simple UI

Execute the requests

Simple UI

Now you can debug and test your app without leaving VS Code.

Simple UI

Voilà, now you have learned, how to handle your requests within VS Code with Thunder Client and how you can use SQLite instead of HANA DB at the beginning of your development